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Mission and Vision

Library Media Services Mission

Library Media Services and its units will support the mission of the District by:
  • embrace and facilitate change by aligning Library Media Services goals and services with the mission and goals of the District through the Language and Literacy Dept.;
  • collaborate and cooperate with all district departments, with neighboring districts, institutes of higher learning, public libraries and regional service centers;
  • support state and national standards; be an advocate for librarianship and the rights of readers;
  • identify qualified professional Library Media Specialists and provide administrative support for principals and librarians;
  • empower and develop library leaders by encouraging their professional growth through reinforcing the use of technology; professional development training; and information sharing;
  • provide quality online resource;
  • support the students' right to self-selection of materials and promote programs that encourage recreational reading and creative thinking;
  • provide online policies and procedures handbook via web for librarians;
  • provide input and consultation into the successful building and/or renovation of libraries through collaboration with internal departments, the community and other governmental entities;
  • interpret Board policy, and recommend policy changes;
  • keep Teaching and Learning Division abreast of new developments in the field of librarianship, technology, and education;
  • be fiscally responsible and explore additional funding sources;
  • maintain productive relationships with district vendors;
  • develop safe and secure learning environments;
  • embrace the Dallas ISD code of ethics and other professional ethical codes.

Campus Library Mission 

The Campus Librarian's mission is to encourage all individuals to become lifelong learners:

Under the leadership of Library Media Services, the campus librarian will incorporate the following Standards of Service:
  • provide a comprehensive collection of instructional materials with equitable access selected in compliance with Dallas ISD approved collection development policies while responding positively to changes that users need and want in resources, formats, and services; 
  • support the students’ right to self-selection of materials for enjoyment or information; 
  • support academic rigor by integrating the teaching of research and information processing skills to ensure students are college ready and effective life-long users of information and creative problem solvers;
  • encourage a high level of circulation which includes intra-library loan of materials to all students and staff; 
  • collaborate with teachers so that information processing skills and ethical behavior in the use of the information are taught in the context of the curriculum through direct instruction of all resources; 
  • nurture and cultivate effective teaching to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and, using information and ideas; 
  • stay abreast of the information culture of students and staff and incorporate this awareness into the library program; 
  • be an active participant in moving the library program forward by broadening one’s professional learning through articles, conferences, professional development, and networking with colleagues; 
  • support the social and emotional learning of all students; and 
  • seek knowledge of technological changes and integrate them effectively into the framework of the curriculum.